I plan to divide the books into three categories
These books will be vital to the storyline... somehow...
At the moment, I'm thinking of having old books that have to be translated to display part of the story. I intend to retain the magic/medieval theme, but with an emphasis on books and a library of lost spells. (I'll continue to work on it...)
These books will be used to enchant weaponry, items, and other equipment, but not by using levels. I intend to use villager trading (does changing the lore/name of an item influence if it will trade or not?) to create items with enchants similar to what Anistuffs suggested in his blogpost a while back. I'd likely use the "enchanting" as a way for the player to get better weaponry, armor, and consumables.
Using the Bottle o' Enchanting as a "wand" of sorts, and by switching spells using a similar mechanic as I described in the last post, this will allow the player to alter his abilities to match the environment, or to influence the environment to match his abilities.
- Environment (These are similar to the "Teleport" ideas from a few posts back)
- "Flood Room" - Floods the room.
- "Shatter World" - Turn one large floating island into many.
- "Mirror" - Swaps the X and Z Coordinates (Left becomes Right and vis-versa).
- "Temporal Shift" - Move forwards or backwards in time.
- "Shift Gravity" - Up is now down.
- ...
- Ability (Potion effects, but without the potions)
- "Mind Trick" - This video.
- "Power Bounce" - A very brief, but more powerful jump.
- "Gill (?)" - Allows player to breath underwater. (might be better as an enchanted consumable)
- "Focused Search" - Night vision, show points of interest, but reduce strength.
- ...